Thursday, March 26, 2015

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

New on Etsy

I finally decided to get off my lazy butt and list some things on Etsy instead of sit around like a reclusive hermit.  New to my other shop:

Spring Equinox Snood

This Rasta tam never gets old

Cute little tam made with some funky primary colors

A quickly made snood

Monday, March 9, 2015

Tweaking, Part 1

I got a little word I like to use when I'm trying to follow a pattern and decide to wing it.  I often use this word at my knit and crochet club (that I ditched today to type this post, LOL) when some ladies or I have trouble with a tricky pattern.  That word, of course, is the title of this post...tweaking.  It basically means doing little minor things like adding or subtracting a few stitches in order for your project to look right.  Trust me, I've done this numerous times.

When I was working on building my little fledgling crochet business a few years ago, one hat style I loved making was the fedora.  Checking out Afya Ibomu's Get Your Crochet On: Hip Hats and Cool Caps from the library numerous times got me addicted (wanted to say hooked, but I'm trying to avoid corny puns today).  I followed the pattern and just messed the dang hat up something nasty.  After a little tweaking, the fedora came out looking dapper.

Long story short, some patterns just aren't done correctly.  Now maybe if you can decipher a pattern like some strange code (I can't read patterns worth jack squat) and your project comes out just like that pattern, well hey...more power to you.  But if you're like me and you prefer tweaking crochet patterns, then go right ahead.

I'll be uploading some visual comparisons for the next go-around.  Until then...

Cliffhangers suck, don't they?

Thursday, March 5, 2015

New Custom Tams

Hey, I missed you guys on the interwebs.  Haven't had much time to blog due to school and going to the local shops with my crowns.  I've listed some custom tams for my fellow brethren, so let me know what you like!

Custom Rasta Tam

Custom Jamaican Tam