Monday, November 28, 2016

Shout Out to a Lovely Queen

While currently messing around on Etsy, I clicked on a thread in the forums about submitting my shop site for indexing, and came across a video of a beautiful sistah who purchased one of my crowns a few months ago.

The Most High certainly works in mysterious ways, I tell ya...  And I say she looks regal in that hat!  Look her up on YouTube; her name is ieattofu68.  Sis, I want to give you a shout out and touch base with you.  I hope everything is everything, to quote Lauryn Hill (😊).  May you be blessed, and I'd like to do the honor of crowning you again one day.  Peace, sis!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

2016 Can Kiss, Grits

We lost way too many good folks...even Prince, the Purple King himself (son of a [bleep]).  The orange demon goblin Donald Drumpf...excuse me, Trump, will be America's new president, and I ain't happy about it.

Yes, ya sistah gurl is still on Etsy.

And yes, I got some new stuff.  Here ya be.