Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Mentally in a Funk...

Always in a crocheting mood, but I can't even come up with any creative names for my Etsy listings.  Now that sucks.

Not to mention, I've been running back and forth between Torrance and South Central looking for this particular color of yarn at Joann Fabric & Crafts, only to find that they haven't stocked up on it since some lucky bastard bought the last roll I was gunning for.  Oh well, off to Glendale...

Seems like Joann tempts me to blow my money on yarn; I'm getting all these 40%, 50%, and 60% off coupons every other week.

Anyway, I put up two new listings on Etsy.  More hats to come if I can think of some funny names.

Classic Psychedelic Boho Tam

The Ghetto Bohemian Drawstring Tam